Hyrox Youngstars

Hyrox: not just a sport for adults

Welcome to the HYROX Youngstars.

The HYROX Youngstars initiative has been designed to provide children aged between 8-15 years old the opportunity to delve into the new world of Fitness Racing themselves.

The Youngstars race format differs by age group, ensuring that each workout is calibrated to their specific developmental needs and subsequently guaranteeing that all participants, regardless of age and experience, are provided an enjoyable and rewarding event.

With a joint focus on uniting both fun and challenge alike, the workouts are tailored for young bodies and minds, whereby their speed, agility, strength, and coordination are tested.

The competition format

The HYROX Youngstars competition is structured around nine bespoke engineered workouts, executed in groups of 8 and led by a team leader. This format ensures a focused and engaging environment as participants move through each challenge one after the other, with each participant’s time taken to complete each workout station taken throughout.

The stations are crafted to enhance speed, agility, strength, and coordination, catering to the developmental needs of young athletes. Conducted in a sequential manner, this structured approach allows for a balanced distribution of physical exertion and rest, optimising the developmental benefits whilst fostering a spirit of teamwork and camaraderie amongst the participants.

During the Shuttle Run, the Youngstars are tasked with picking up a 1kg weight from point ‘A’ and then running to point ‘B’ where they place down the 1kg weight. The number of lengths each participant runs is dependent on which age category they fall into.

8-9 Years Old: 1kg Stixit from A-B for 300m (12 x 25m)

10-11 Years Old: 1kg Stixit from A-B for 350m (14 x 25m)

12-13 Years Old: 1kg Stixit from A-B for 400m (16 x 25m)

14-15 Years Old: 1kg Stixit from A-B for 500m (20 x 25m)



The second HYROX Youngstars workout station is a designated distance on the Ski Erg. This erg predominantly targets the arm, shoulder & core muscles, however when done efficiently, it also involves muscles in the lower body – making the Ski Erg a full body workout.
Assistance will be provided for smaller children or those who experience difficulty in reaching the handles, with two volunteers available to offer support.

8-9 Years Old: 200m

10-11 Years Old: 400m

12-13 Years Old: 500m

14-15 Years Old: 600m

Weight Pull is the station number three! Similar to the original HYROX Sled Pull, our Youngstars are tasked with pulling Stixits over a designated distance, with the weight and distance specified according to their age division for this workout.

8-9 Years Old: 15kg for 32.5m (3 x 12.5m)

10-11 Years Old: 15kg for 62.5m (5 x 12.5m)

12-13 Years Old: 30kg for 62.5m (5 x 12.5m)

14-15 Years Old: 45kg for 62.5m (5 x 12.5m)

As running is a pivotal focus within HYROX, a shuttle run in combination with a slalom run is workout station number 4. During the Slalom Run, participants are tasked with transporting two small items, each weighing 1kg, from one side of the lane to the other.

8-9 Years Old: 250m (10 x 25m)

10-11 Years Old: 300m (12 x 25m)

12-13 Years Old: 350m (14 x 25m)

14-15 Years Old: 400m (16 x 25m)

Station 4 is jump-focused workout. This differs between Burpee Broad Jumps and Froggers, both of which blend strength, endurance within this crucial jumping element to present a multifaceted challenge.

8-9 Years Old: Frogger for 25m (2 x 12.5m)

10-11 Years Old: BBJ for 25m (2 x 12.5m)

12-13 Years Old: BBJ for 25m (2 x 12.5m)

14-15 Years Old: BBJ for 50m (4 x 12.5m)

Station 6 allows participants to showcase their strength and endurance by completing a rowing distance tailored to their age group.

8-9 Years Old: 200m

10-11 Years Old: 300m

12-13 Years Old: 400m

14-15 Years Old: 500m

Welcome to station 7 of the HYROX Youngstars – the Obstacle Run. This workout is a test of speed and agility, challenging participants to navigate obstacles and transport small weights between designated points.

8-9 Years Old: 250m (10 x 25m)

10-11 Years Old: 300m (12 x 25m)

12-13 Years Old: 350m (14 x 25m)

14-15 Years Old: 400m (16 x 25m)

Station 8 consists of Farmers Carry using Stixits. This workout is specifically designed to test grip and core strength as participants carry weights over a predetermined distance.

8-9 Years Old: 2 x 5.7kg Stixits for 50m (2 x 25m)

10-11 Years Old: 2 x 5.7kg Stixits for 100m (4 x 25m)

12-13 Years Old: 2 x 9.1kg Stixits for 150m (6 x 25m)

14-15 Years Old: 2 x 11.4kg Stixits for 150m (6 x 25m)


The final station of the HYROX Youngstars is Wall Balls. This exercise is a blend of strength, coordination, and endurance, focusing on the precise throwing of medicine balls towards a designated target, and mirroring the finale of the original HYROX Race Format.

8-9 Years Old: 1kg Wall Balls for 30 repetitions  (2m target)

10-11 Years Old: 2kg Wall Balls for 40 repetitions  (2m target)

12-13 Years Old: 2kg Wall Balls for 50 repetitions  (2.5m target)

14-15 Years Old: 4kg Wall Balls for 50 repetitions  (2.5m target)

The age groups

In the HYROX Youngstars Event, participants are divided into four age groups, ensuring that the workouts are appropriately tailored to the developmental stages and capabilities of the children. The age classification for 2024 is determined by the the participant’s date of birth.

This age group encompasses the youngest participants in the HYROX Youngstars, introducing them to fundamental movement skills, fostering a love for physical activity, and encouraging participation in a fun and supportive environment.

Children in this age group are presented with slightly more challenging workouts as distances, repetitions and weights increase.

Participants in this category encounter a progressive increase in workout intensity.

The oldest age group in the HYROX Youngstars initiative offers the perfect introduction to HYROX. The workouts remain the same, but distances, repetitions and weights increase become more demanding.

 Taking place for the very first time at HYROX London Olympia, why not get involved?

HYROX Youngstars | London Olympia

*Provisional, subject to change

DAY 1 | Saturday 4th May 2024

HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (8-9): 10:00 am – 11:00 am
HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (10-11): 11:20 am – 11:50 am
HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (12-13): 12:10 pm – 12:50 pm
HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (14-15): 1:10 pm – 1:30 pm

DAY 2 | Sunday 5th May 2024

HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (8-9): 10:00 am – 11:10 am
HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (10-11): 11:30 am – 12:20 pm
HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (12-13): 12:40 pm – 1:10 pm
HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (14-15): 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm

DAY 3 | Monday 6th May 2024

HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (8-9): 10:00 am – 11:00 am
HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (10-11): 11:20 am – 12:10 pm
HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (12-13): 12:30 pm – 1:10 pm
HYROX Youngstars Boys/Girls (14-15): 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm

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